A Heartfelt Request for Community Support
We kindly ask if your hotel would consider welcoming the children from our local communities to perform three hymns.
This uplifting event aims to raise funds for our cause, bringing joy to both the performers and the audience. If you’re not comfortable hosting this event, we would greatly appreciate your consideration of a donation instead. Your support can make a significant difference in their lives and help us further our mission.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to inspire and uplift our community together!
The drought has triggered severe crop failures, resulting in a critical shortage of feed. This has compromised the health and productivity of the communities’ cattle and livestock.
We urgently need to raise $5,000 + to save the lives of 330 cows and livestock before Christmas. These funds will be used for food, mineral supplements, medication, and dipping treatments.
Your support can make a difference!
If you need more details about our
Wild Bhiza Stables, Banko Farm
Chisuma, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
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+263 (0) 779 650 131
+263 (0) 77 440 1631
[email protected]
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